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Sunday School Classes
Ages 0-3: Amy Himes
Child Care in the arms of Jesus is provided during both Sunday
School and Worship.
Kindergarten - 5th Grade - Shona Manwaring
Grades 6-7-8: LouAnn Bigelow and Linda Waggoner
How Jesus helps me in real life.
Senior High: Jenn King
A personal commitment to the Christian life.
A Safe Sanctuary
We provide a place of safety and love for all children.
Every person working with children is screened, trained, and supervised in accordance with standards set by the Upper New York Annual Conference. All activities take place in open view, under the supervision of at least two unrelated adults, and any impropriety is dealt with immediately and seriously.
We take to heart the instruction of Jesus: "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name, welcomes me" (Mark 9:37).

Pre-K thru 1st Grade

Grades 2-5

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