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This Week's Teaching

Matthew 2:1-12
Isaiah 60:1-6

Reflection: What are we following?

I love the reading from Isaiah this morning. “Arise!  Shine!  Your Light has
come; the Lord’s glory has shown upon you.”  At the time they are talking about
the city of Zion (Jerusalem), but as we read through Isaiah with a Jesus lens, we
see it as God telling us as Christians to Arise and Shine, as we are to go out into the
world and be God’s hands and feet.  When darkness covers the earth and nations
are in gloom, we are to shine with God’s light.  Verse five promises our hearts to
open wide to all the earth as they come near (verse four).  And we see the
deliverance of gold and incense (frankincense and Myrrh) in the final verse.  It is a poem of people coming together in dark times, toward God’s great light and
goodness.  That hearts will be open, and we will reflect God’s love and light.

Matthew reminds us of the Journey of the Magi following the star to Jesus
celebrating the light of the world that will reveal all and in which there is no
darkness.  It brings to mind though what are we following?  Where is our light? 
Are we reflecting God’s light?  Are we following the light of Christ?  Do we even
know where to look or how to find it?  Do we get so caught up in our day-to-day

that we don’t know how to search?  Are we convinced we know the path, so we
don’t even bother looking up anymore?

God meets us where we are - as he did the Magi - using their understanding
of the stars to lead them to the Jewish Messiah - yet they had to be willing to go
on that long walk to meet Jesus.  Are you willing to meet God where God is leading
you?  Are you willing to take the next best step on the journey God is leading you
to Christ?  What does that look like today?

As I was preparing for this year’s Epiphany Day celebration, I was praying
about listening to God and meeting God.  On my desk was the last star I had, which
was hospitality.  It is funny, every time I was struggling with something I would
look at the word and be reminded of God’s invitation for hospitality and it was
always a more loving path and a much better path.  I have followed that little star
all year and it has been a difficult but powerful invitation that I think has been
reflected even in this church.  It has opened my mind and heart to new and
meaningful ways of loving people, family, and friends.  I am excited about what my
word will be for this year.  I have a hundred words in my basket and as you come
forward for communion, I invite you to grab a word for your year.  Put it
someplace you see it every day as an invitation and challenge.  Sometimes you
have no idea what it means at first.   I did not last year.  Yet as the year goes, and
you pray over the word asking God to open your heart and shine light into it you
will see where you are being guided.

Monday – Psalm 46:1-7

Tuesday – 1 Peter 2:4-10

Wednesday – 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Thursday – Psalm 57:1-4

Friday – John 1:1-13

Saturday – Joshua 1:1-9

Daily Devotions 
Week of 1/5/25

Listen to the worship service here:

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